NSF CyberTeams update — new projects at URI Bay Campus, Salve Regina & Bryant

The NSF CyberTeams grant funds student help for faculty members across the state to get research computing projects off the ground. It helps both faculty with their computational research needs and provides valuable student learning experiences as they engage in computational research support.

In 2021, after launching the first project in RI at URI in the College of Arts of Sciences, additional projects were completed at the Community College of RI (CCRI) and also at URI’s College of Environment and Life Sciences (CELS). Starting in 2022 new projects will begin at URI Bay Campus, Salve Regina University and Bryant University.  Details on these 2022 projects appear below:

Bay Campus CyberTeams project — Host-symbiont population genomics – analyzing the intraspecific variability of methanogenic archaeal endosymbionts of genus Methanocorpusculum hosted by a marine anaerobic ciliate Metopus sp. (Metopida)

Salve Regina CyberTeams project — Statistical Analysis of criminal cases in the United States District Court of Puerto Rico

Bryant University — Understanding Covid-19 Pandemic through Social Media Discussion

Currently projects can be viewed at the Careers CyberTeam Portal, but the number of projects and their scientific diversity is expected to grow. The location of each researcher is noted, but co-location is not required in most cases. We encourage qualified women and minorities to participate, as increasing diversity in the community is also a program goal. To apply to participate in any of the projects listed on the Portal, or to be considered for future projects, join the mailing list; or to volunteer as a mentor, please create a profile on the portal by clicking on “Join the Team”, OR send an email expressing your interest along with a brief bio to Dr. Gaurav Khanna, Director of Research Computing at URI.