URI projects featured at MGHPCC Booth at Supercomputing ’22

The Massachusetts Green High-Performance Computing Center (MGHPCC) is a collaboration of the five major research universities in Massachusetts including Boston UniversityHarvardMITNortheastern and UMass. The collaboration built a dedicated data center in 2012 located in Holyoke, MA that hosts the research computing infrastructure of these universities. In addition, the MGHPCC also leads other activities that enhance research computing in the region including submitting collaborative grant proposals, running regional workshops, maintaining a presence at international supercomputing conferences, and more. URI joined the MGHPCC in 2021.

The US annual supercomputing conference series SC22 offers an exhibit floor for Industry and academic Centers to showcase major computational research outcomes. This year the MGHPCC Booth will feature two URI projects as exemplary computational research efforts.

The Booth will feature printed poster and a video kiosk that will play a video introducing U²GRC and RICHAMP alongside other ongoing projects at the MGHPCC universities: https://sc22.mghpcc.org