New $1M HPC/AI hardware now available to URI

URI research computing is closing out 2022 on a high note! We have a major update to announce today. 🙂 

Our $1M new hardware is now fully operational and available for use in UNITY. A huge thanks to Kevin for working extremely hard to get this accomplished alongside our MGHPCC partners, especially UMass Amherst. As a reminder, this new hardware consists of: 

32x Intel 64-core, 128GB memory, CPU-compute nodes (Infiniband network).
8x Intel 64-core, 1TB memory, CPU-compute nodes (Infiniband network).
8x Intel 64-core, 512GB memory, GPU-compute nodes with nVidia 4x A100 (80GB) cards (Infiniband network).
2x IBM POWER9 AC922 32-core, 256GB memory, CPU-compute nodes.
High performance VAST SSD and 400 TB NESE (Ceph) disk storage.

UNITY now has ~10,000 cores and ~1,500 GPUs. You can find full details on the hardware and how to access it on UNITY documentation. Or simply reach out to us for assistance. Note that additional PB-scale storage is being purchased. And another $1M of hardware from collaborative grants with UMass will be installed next month.