Research Computing Topical Workshops — Fall 2023

1. Unity on-boarding workshop: Unity is our state-of-the-art HPC/AI platform with ~20,000 CPU-cores and ~1,300 GPUs built and operated in collaboration with the UMass system. Topics covered include logging on via SSH and Unity OnDemand, submitting batch and interactive command-line Slurm jobs for MPI parallelized or multithreaded applications, using the Unity OnDemand graphical applications (JupyterLab, RStudio, etc), and using the Unity OnDemand job composer. This workshop will be held remotely via Zoom. Please register for a Unity account prior to the workshop if you do not already have one at

Date/Time: Monday, August 28, 2023 at 2 pm EDT
Zoom Link:

2. Data Carpentry workshop: Rachel Schwartz and Sarah Brown will be running their annual Data Carpentry workshop from August 31st — Sept 1st. The topic is “Introduction to Data Analysis in R” and is open to all researchers (recommended minimum advanced undergraduate) interested in learning how to use R in their work. Please register here. Thanks Rachel and Sarah!

3. Singularity/Apptainer basics: ACCESS (formerly XSEDE) is holding a virtual workshop on “Containerizing HPC applications with Singularity/Apptainer” on Sept. 8th. Details appear here. 

4. Women in Bioinformatics: Two-day workshop that brings together researchers from computer science, data science, mathematics, statistics, biology, biotechnology, and chemistry to present their research in the interdisciplinary field of Bioinformatics. November 3-4 and Southern CT State University. Details appear here.

5. MGHPCC HPC Day: The MGHPCC HPC Day Conference will held at UMass Dartmouth this year on Nov 3rd.  Website is up! 

6. URI Research Computing / AI Lab workshops: URI Research Computing and AI Lab teams will soon announce their coordinated plan for Fall semester workshops on R, Machine Learning (w/ Python), Tableau, Stats software and more.