AI Fireside Chat on Bioinformatics — Feb 1st

Professor Drew Zhang from the College of Business and the CCR are working together to continue the Fireside Chats that we started last semester. The first one this semester will be as follows. I hope that you will join us. We promise short presentations with plenty of time for questions and discussion. 

Thursday February 1, 2024 – 12:30—1:30 Chris Hemme, Assistant Research Professor, Pharmacy

Large Conference Room in the Administrative Area of the Library on the Second Floor

Title:  The Changing Paradigm of Bioinformatics: Cloud Computing, Machine Learning, and Multiomics

Abstract:  The nature of biological data science is changing on a scale we haven’t seen since the sequencing of the Human Genome in the 1990’s.  With advances in experimental and computing technologies, we are now in the age of single-cell spatial multiomics analyses coupled to machine learning algorithms performed in cloud computing environments.  Experimentalists willing to embrace these technologies and data scientists willing to apply their skills to biological problems will be at a competitive advantage for jobs and research funding.