Center for Computational Research

A University of Rhode Island Research Center

URI Research Computing Team: Michael Puerrer, Cecile Cres, Kevin Bryan, Ian Bishop, Michael St. Pierre, Gaurav Khanna and Christian Vye
Credit: Beau Jones

Welcome to the Center for Computational Research at the University of Rhode Island — a collaboratively funded effort by central IT Services (ITS), the Vice President for Research (VPR) and Faculty contributions through research grants.

The Center’s mission is to support, promote and grow high-level interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary computational research — high-performance computing (HPC), artificial intelligence (AI), data science (Data) and quantum computing (Quantum) — across URI campuses and the region including ongoing research in the College of Arts & Sciences, College of Business, College of Engineering, College of the Environment & Life Sciences, College of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Oceanography and the College of Pharmacy. The computational work of over 150 faculty researchers is supported by this Center.

The Center has an internal advisory group of key URI faculty members: Drs. Steve D’Hondt (Oceanography); Ying Zhang (Life Sciences), Thomas Stubblefield (Associate Dean, College of A&S) and Drew Zhang (Alfred J. Verrecchia Endowed Chair in Artificial Intelligence and Business Analytics). The Center also collaborates closely with the Massachusetts High-Performance Computing Center (MGHPCC).

Email us at with questions, comments, suggestions — anything!


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