The Innovative Learning Technologies (ILT) Program is an innovative technology support service for URI faculty and researchers. It offers both long and short-term technology assistance for teaching with technology initiatives and curriculum development.
ILT coordinator: Roy Bergstrom

The Innovative Learning Technologies Program provides student help to faculty who are endeavoring to enhance or increase the use of digital technology in their curriculum and/or classroom. Innovative Learning Technologies student employees provide support for the creation of digital materials to be used within the curriculum.
Our goal is to successfully foster faculty projects that integrate technology into the curriculum and classroom in meaningful ways. By the time each project is completed, faculty members will learn to successfully use the technology, and the Innovative Learning Technologies students will gain an appreciation of the subject matter of each curriculum project. This program emphasizes the following core values:
Student Development
To improve student development by broadening knowledge of technical, organizational, and managerial skills while learning about different subjects across the curriculum. We will also strive to increase the skill level of each (ILT) student employee through project rotation and individual or group training.
Faculty Development
To improve the technical expertise of the faculty by increasing their experience with a broad range of technology.
Community Development
To improve the University community by fostering new types of faculty and student collaboration.
When a faculty production project is accepted, the faculty member is paired up with one or more Innovative Learning Technologies student employees. These students function as both collaborative help and design/technology assistants. The students are paid by Information Technology Services (ITS) which developed this program in 2003 in cooperation with the Instructional Development Program (IDP).
Once you submit a proposal, it is reviewed by ITS staff members for several key indicators:
- The technology exists to accomplish your project.
- The Innovative Learning Technologies students either have the skills or are capable of learning the skills in a timely manner to assist you.
- The project duration/scope of work is well-defined.
- This is a new use of technology for you or a major expansion of your curricular area.
Receipt of your proposal will be acknowledged by email. You will also be notified within two weeks of your proposal’s acceptance of the reasons for either deferral or rejection.
For more information, please enter an Innovative Learning Technologies request for student help with Digital Projects in ServiceNow.