Status: Complete
What: Converting classrooms to support automatic class recording and replay as well as remote attendance by either faculty or students.
The goal is to nimbly connect a distant student to course content or allow a distant instructor available to a classroom of students.
Why: In support of the URI institutional goal of supporting a 21st century 24/7 learning environment. The project also significantly enhances our ability to respond during the COVID-19 emergency.
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Software Support

We have selected Panopto as our software support system for this project. The contract for this software is currently in legal review. Among the many reasons for this choice, some of the most critical were:
- It supports automated recording, freeing faculty from having to remember to start and and the process.
- It allows for automatic captioning, freeing up faculty and staff time.
- It can integrate into Brightspace, automatically making class recordings available through our LMS.
Auditoria / Large Classrooms

These spaces are targeted for an all-inclusive solution with dedicated capture devices to allow the following functionality:
- Source mirroring - whatever is sent to the main room display is automatically included in the capture session
- Incorporated room microphone
- Cameras installed and set up in the room, ready to use
Standard Classrooms

Our standard classrooms will have a computer-based solution to accommodate distance learning:
- Camera
- Touch-less microphone
- Document camera integration for live white-boarding
Forward Together
This project is looking objectively across all classroom spaces and prioritizing by student contact hours. It is not limited to any one campus or room classification and is working hard to ignore issues related to facility ownership or funding source.
All Updates
Classroom Technology Trainings to Begin Next Week
Faculty will be receiving targeted classroom training emails based on eCampus course listing room assignments. All in-person trainings this year will be booked as individual trainings to allow for social distancing and classrooms used for training will be chosen based on ease of faculty access. Training emails will also include a 'Quick Start' guide for each particular media system type, when available. As classroom system updates are completed, in person training will broaden and additional training accommodations will be made available. AV Systems will offer remote training sessions as needed for the in classroom technologies. All training questions can be sent to Procurement
URI classrooms will have Panopto as their main resource to conduct live course webcasting from classrooms as well as easily record lectures in classroom spaces. This resource will also be available for use from personal laptops so Instructors can webcast from home or other locations as needed. With Brightspace integration, Instructors will be able to access Panopto content and features extensively from within Brightspace. Keep an eye on the ITS Training Calendar for Panopto Info and Training Sessions Starting soon!- Ballentine Hall 1st floor classrooms
- Bliss Hall
- Swan Hall 2nd and 3rd floor classrooms
- Fascitelli Center for Advanced Engineering general assignment classrooms