SAS OnDemand for Academics is a freely accessible way to use SAS without installation of software. You can set up a course for your students without the hassle of anyone installing SAS on their systems. With SAS OnDemand for Academics: Web Editor version, anyone with a Web Browser can run it on Macs and Linux machines, as well as Windows PCs. The following are compatible browsers for each platform:

Win 7: MS Internet Explorer 9, Chrome 21, Firefox 14, Safari 5.1
Mac OS X: Firefox 15, Safari 6.0
iPad and similar devices: iOS6 and above; 1024×768 minimum resolution; cookies must be enabled.

What do I need to do?

  • Instructors

     Get a SAS ID/account from the SAS Website:

    1. You will need to register for SAS OnDemand by creating an online SAS profile account to access specific information and resources from the SAS Website. You can access the SAS OnDemand for Academics Control Center at the following URL:
    2. If you have registered with SAS before, then you might already have a profile, if not, select the “New User” option at the bottom of the page.
    3. Input your registration information and check the “Agree to the terms of use and legal information” box, to continue.
    4. Provide a valid email address to receive the additional link(s) needed to continue the profile creation process.
    5. Please complete your SAS Profile creation request and then activate your account by using the link provided in your confirmation email.
    6. Create a profile password. Follow the password instructions provided on the page.
    7. After the profile is created, you can now register for SAS OnDemand by selecting the “Continue registration for SAS OnDemand for Academics” link.
    8. Sign in to your profile using your email address and password.

    Register your course(s):

    1. Go to the SAS OnDemand for Academics Control Center:
    2. Log in with your e-mail address and your SAS profile password. You will be redirected to the “Instructor Home Page”.
    3. Click Register a Course and then follow the additional instructions provided.

    Upload any data sets needed in the course:

    1. Go to the SAS OnDemand for Academics Control Center:
    2. Log in with your e-mail address and your SAS profile password. You will be redirected to the “Instructor Home Page”.
    3. Click Info to obtain your customized Webpage that contains information on the hostname, your ID, and the directory file paths given to you.
    4. Open an FTP application to upload your files (e.g., the freeware Filezilla).

    SAS has provided step-by-step instructions with screen captures in the following document, SAS OnDemand for Academics: Storing and Accessing SAS Data Files on the SAS Server, Instructor Guide:

    Tell your students about the course and have them register for it!


  • Students

    1. You will need to register for SAS OnDemand by creating an online SAS profile account to access specific information and resources from the SAS Website. To get started, access the SAS OnDemand for Academics Control Center at the following URL:
    2. If you have registered with SAS before, you might already have a SAS profile. If not, select the “New User” option at the bottom of the page.
    3. Input your registration information and check the “Agree to the terms of use and legal information” to continue.
    4. Provide a valid email address to receive an email with additional links.
    5. To complete your profile creation, request and activate your account by using the link provided in your confirmation email.
    6. Create a profile password. Follow the password instructions provided on the page.
    7. The profile is created. You can now register for SAS OnDemand by selecting the link “Continue registration for SAS OnDemand for Academics.”
    8. Sign in to your profile using your email address and password.
    9. Select the student option and click next.
    10. The next few windows will help you locate your college or institution(s). Make your selection and advance until your institution appears in the dropdown menu.
    11. Confirm your registration and review your information accuracy then submit to advance.
    12. To set up your SAS server account, select “Agree” in the SAS License Agreement page.
    13. Your account will be inactive. Click the “Acquire a License” hyperlink to activate your account.
    14. Select the appropriate course, click continue, select “Acquire License(s)” to confirm your license.
    15. After the profile is created, you can now register for SAS OnDemand by selecting the “Continue registration for SAS OnDemand for Academics” link provided in step 1.
    16. Sign in to your profile using your email address and password.


    Sample Code 

    In these examples, the instructor has previously uploaded files samp.csv and to his work area using an FTP Client. The students can access these files via the following SAS statements.

    1. Reading a .CSV file

    FILENAME myfilref “/courses/u_uri.edu1/i_1993/c_5562/samp.csv”;

    DATA a;

    INFILE myfilref dsd dlm=’2C’x truncover firstobs=2 termstr=crlf;

    INPUT a b c d e f g;



    Technical Note(s):

    • The instructor’s Directory PATH values will be unique to the Instructor of the course (e.g.,”/courses/u_uri.edu1/i_1993/c_5562/samp.csv”).
    • Please note that SAS Web Editor runs on a Linux host. The additional options highlighted and bolded in BLUE in the INFILE statement are used in Linux; see Reading Delimited Text Files into SAS 9:

    2. Reading a source (program) .SAS file

    FILENAME myprog “/courses/u_uri.edu1/i_1993/c_5562/”;

    %INCLUDE myprog;

    Technical Note(s):

    • The instructor’s Directory PATH values will be unique to the Instructor of the course (e.g.,”/courses/u_uri.edu1/i_1993/c_5562/”).