The mission of IT Service Administration is to provide guidance and support for all areas of IT operations within ITS and distributed IT in the areas of business and human resource operations, contracts, vendor management, IT Service Management, Communications, Outreach and Project consultation.
ITS Business Operations
- Maximize efficiencies for ITS staff processing orders for purchases.
- Perform financial management and budgeting duties for ITS including financial projections, planning and scenario building.
- Provide guidance, counsel and direction to ITS leadership and staff with contract management, solicitations, human resources processing requirements.
- Coordinate Professional Development opportunities and process for staff.
IT Service Management
- Provide and support a central system enabling Service Management for tracking and routing service requests for IT as well as any other non-IT, non-ITS service management in other departments.
- Maintain a focus on ITIL Project Methodology in practice as supported by a central IT Service Management system
- Advocate for training and development opportunities to further these goals.
- Maintain clear communications between ITS and URI stakeholders using our ITSM system.
IT Communications, Outreach, Consultation
- Plan, organize and create ITS communications both outside of ITS and internal to ITS.
- Develop and maintain a comprehensive communication plan for ITS communications.
- Plan, organize and create annual communication and awareness campaigns such as CyberSecurity month.
- Be a resource to URI staff outside of ITS for IT consultation, planning, and acquisitions of services.
Service Admin
ITS Business
ITS Business Office Functions
Portfolio and Project Management
Providing assistance with the planning and execution of individual IT projects and larger portfolios of multiple projects.
IT Contract Review
Any use of IT that commits the University to a Contract or agreement must be reviewed by ITS.
Our Team
John P Brindamour
Contract Mgr Info Tech Service
(401).874.2192 –
Business Analyst
Koren Caswell
Fiscal Clerk
401.874.2737 –
Brian Chmielewski
Business Manager
401.874.2161 –
Lead Programmer Analyst
Daneshwar “Dan” Persaud
Senior Information Technologist
401.874.9854 –

Michael “Mike” Motta
Associate Director, IT Service Administration
401.874.2068 –