Changing your google apps for education account password

If you wish to change your Google Apps for Education account password and know the current password, follow these directions:

  1. Open your Google Account
  2. Pull down the Settings menu at the far right (the icon looks like a gear)
  3. Select Settings
  4. Choose the Accounts and Import tab.
  5. In the list of options, choose “Google Account settings” at the top. This will open a new page
  6. Scroll down to “Password.” Click on the date listed as the last time it was updated.
  7. This will open a new page, where you will be asked to put in your current password and then your new choice for a password.

Forgotten password

Call the Help Desk to have the passwords for the following accounts reset:

  • (Google Apps for Education accounts for Faculty & Staff)
  • (Student Google accounts)

If you forgot your password, fill out the Password Change Request