Working Remotely


These difficult times have put us in a unique situation where we need to adapt to how we teach, learn, and work. Our concept of a classroom and office has expanded, and by leveraging IT services, we can be anywhere. To be secure and successful when working remotely, you need access to the systems and services that enable you to engage, equipment that allows use to use them, and the bandwidth to connect.

Enable Security Features

Activate firewall, anti-virus, and wireless encryption, and password protect all personal and business devices and systems.

Connect via VPN

Whenever possible, use a VPN when accessing business-sensitive data and systems. Information regarding VPN request can be found here.

Use Secure Sharing Channels

Avoid taking sensitive files outside the office, or if you must, use a secure server or other IT-approved channel.

Maintain Separation

Don’t allow children, family, or friends to use business devices for personal activities.