Localist Register is an internal tool that allows for managing tickets alongside events, and for your audiences to make secure purchases without leaving the comfort of your Localist calendar.
NOTE: You may use other systems to register your guests. Simply uncheck the localist register box and add your URL link:

Using Localist Register to manage registration and ticketing
To use Localist Register you must first be granted Event Admin permission for your group on the Localist platform. Request Group Event Admin permissions.
When Register is enabled, an email confirmation, much like an e-ticket, will be automatically sent to your registrants, and can be added to their Gmail calendar. A QR Code is included in the email for easy scanning at check in.

Create an event registration with ticket details
- Click “Add Ticket” (NOT “Add ticket type”)
- Ticket Name (e.g., Brunch and Sukkah Building)
- Description (e.g., Check in starts at 11:45am, brunch begins at 12noon)
- Ticket Type (e.g., In-Person)
- Ticket Type Message (e.g., Please present your email confirmation)

- Click “Additional ticket options”
- Under “Tickets Available”, type the capacity of the event. (in this case, 30)
- Max quantity should be 1, since we do not want people to sign up more than once.
- Add the next day’s date, if you want to accept walk-ins up to the capacity limit of your event. If not, leave blank, registration stops at the start time of the event.

- Attendee Questions
- URI ID Number (global default – required)
- Phone Number (global default – optional)
- You may add your own questions

- Event Registration Settings
- Event capacity should be left blank, as long as the ticket’s availability is set to the correct number
- Uncheck “Registration Notifications”, unless you would like the emails.
- Make sure “Reset Quantities Per Instance” is checked

- Compliance Level WAIVER (Optional – If Needed)
- Select Hardcore, and then enter the following information:
I confirm my participation and hereby waive, release, fully discharge and hold harmless, The State of Rhode Island and the University of Rhode, and its Board of Trustees and assignee for any and all liability and claims, or demands and/or cause of action, that he/she has or may have for any costs, expenses, or damages, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, arising from property damages or personal bodily injury, including death, relating to or arising from my participation in, use of, or operation of equipment related to the Activities or may in the future have, whether known or unknown, arising out of the named event. I may or may not have had previous participation experience in the activity. I understand and acknowledge that such participation could result in loss of or damage to my or another person’s property, serious injury to my body, including mental or emotional injury or trauma and/or death. I verify that I have no physical or emotional conditions that may prevent me from fully participating in the event. I understand and agree the University of Rhode Island and its recreational subsidiaries cannot be expected to control all possible risks but may need to respond to accidents and potential emergency situations. Therefore, I hereby give my consent for any medical treatment that may be required during my attendance with the understanding that the cost of any such treatment will be my responsibility. The university does not carry medical or accidental insurance for the activities mentioned. As such, participants should review their personal insurance portfolio.
I HAVE READ THE WAIVER, RELEASE AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK FORM IN ITS ENTIRETY AND UNDERSTAND THE TERMS AND LEGAL SIGNIFICANCE. This waiver is freely and voluntarily given with the understanding that right to legal recourse is knowingly given up in return for allowing my participation in the event. By checking the box below, I agree that I have read and understood the above information.