Note that this is not the canonical documentation, but is available here for reference. For the official docs, see here.

Below is a table of all available storage on Unity.

Mountpoint Name Location Type Quota Description
/home Home directories Everywhere HDD 10 GB Home directories should be used only for user init files.
/work Work PI directories Everywhere SSD 3 TB Work should be used as the primary location for running cluster jobs. This is a shared folder for all users in the PI group. 
/project Project directories Everywhere HDD Varying Project directories are created on request. Good for large dataset storage or any larger storage that is not directly used for job I/O. Email to request. A common use case is generating job output in /work and copying to permanent storage in /project afterwards. Not for job I/O
/scratch/workspace Scratch Workspace space Everywhere (Intended for Compute) SSD Up to 50 TB Space meant for a time-limited window that spans across jobs. See HPC Workspace documentation for more information.