- CCR/RC staff Michael Puerrer publishes in Nature journal!
Machine-learning algorithm analyzes gravitational waves from merging neutron stars in the blink of an eye
- Andromeda HPC cluster to merge into Unity HPC/AI system at MGHPCC
URI’s Andromeda HPC cluster will merge into the Unity HPC-AI system at MGHPCC, enhancing computational power and research capabilities—learn more about the transition and its impact.
- URI Speed Networking Event for Graduate & Senior Students
Graduate and senior students are invited to URI’s Speed Networking Event—connect with industry professionals, expand your network, and explore career opportunities.
- Ash Giri Recognized at the White House!
URI’s Ash Giri was honored at the White House for his contributions to research and innovation—celebrating excellence in technology and academia.
- Spring Semester Workshops by URI CCR / AI Lab
The details of our CCR / AI Lab semester workshops are available here.
- Major Unity Upgrade!
We are pleased to announce that a major upgrade to our primary HPC/AI platform UNITY is finally complete!
- Celebrating Excellence: URI’s Tech Innovators Honored in Tech10 Awards
URI celebrates Indrani Mandal and Gaurav Khanna, honorees of RI Monthly’s 2024 Tech10 Awards, for their outstanding contributions to AI and research computing.
- AI Big Data Forum: Quantum Computing and AI
Join us Nov. 22 at noon in Galanti Lounge for the AI Big Data Forum featuring URI’s Len Kahn on quantum computing and Brown’s Stephen Bach on AI’s data-driven evolution.
- RICHAMP wins award at PEARC!
Received a wonderful note from Dr. Ginis: Pranav Sai received the award for the best abstract at PEARC24 held in Providence last summer. He presented RICHAMP and its implementation on URI nodes at MGHPCC for real-time storm forecasting.
- Quantum Computer at the MGHPCC!
A state-of-the-art neutral atom quantum computer, facilitating open-access research, hardware innovation, and hands-on training for students.
- Major Upgrade to UNITY HPC/AI Infrastructure
UNITY HPC/AI resources expanded by 50% with 1,000 new CPU cores and 24 advanced GPUs, enhancing research capabilities at URI.
- CCR supported student awarded fellowship!
Matt Paolella, a CCR-supported student, received the Moissan Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship from the American Chemical Society.
- URI receives $795,000 boost for high performance computing and cybersecurity
URI receives $795,000 boost for high performance computing and cybersecurity
- Speed Networking Event AI, Quantum, and Computationally Enhanced Research & Innovation
Join us on October 11th for an interdisciplinary speed networking event to explore research collaborations in AI, quantum, and computational innovation. Register by October 4th to secure your spot!
- The Better Scientific Software (BSSw) Fellowship Program
The Better Scientific Software (BSSw) Fellowship Program recognizes and promotes leaders and advocates of high-quality software.
- New Unity HPC/AI Quick Start Guide!
A “Quick Start Guide” for Unity HPC/AI system at MGHPCC.
- Fall ’24 workshops on Python, R, Statistics Software, etc.
Workshop series covering topics like Python, R, Statistics Software, Unity HPC and more.
- Funding for student travel to SC24
There is funding available for student travel to the major Supercomputing ’24 conference (Atlanta) this November and IPDPS conference (Milan, Italy) in June ’25.
- Planning Grants to Create AI-Ready Test Beds
Planning Grants funded through this DCL are expected to cultivate research teams that actively address the expansion or enhancement of an existing test bed to evaluate the impact on and interaction with users of novel AI methods.
- Gaurav’s research on black hole “hair” gets some attention!
Black holes are mysterious, yet also deceptively simple − a new space mission may help physicists answer hairy questions about these astronomical objects.
- NAIRR Pilot Resource Requests to Advance AI Research
The National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) Pilot has opened calls for projects with a 12 month duration for computational resources.
- MGHPCC and UNITY shutdown May 20 — 24th.
UNITY HPC shutdown next week (May 20 — 24) to coincide with the annual MGHPCC shutdown.
- R, Python, SAS, SPSS, Unity, Bioinformatics and more workshop recordings available!
Recordings of all the workshops we ran including R, SAS, SPSS, Python, Bioinformatics, Unity and others.
- Congratulations to Roxanne for prestigious international research grant!!
GSO Professor Roxanne Beinart awarded international research grant to investigate symbiotic relationships among microorganisms
- PEARC and IEEE HPEC Conferences
Two computational research conferences coming up in the next few months: PEARC and IEEE HPEC.
- Eclipse viewing event planned for the URI Quad on April 8 from 2 to 4 p.m.
Don’t be left in the dark: URI professor provides lowdown on Monday’s total solar eclipse
- AI – Big Data Forum
Join us for the third AI-Big Data Forum at URI.
- Call for Student Research and Project Posters Competition
We are seeking students to submit posters to be shown to the university community that describe computationally enhanced research and projects that students are working on this semester.
- AI Fireside Chat — Transforming Research and Higher Education with Generative AI and Foundation Models
Dr. Alvarez on “Transforming Research and Higher Education with Generative AI and Foundation Models”
- AI Fireside Chat — How to anticipate risks in AI-enhanced research
Dr. Brown on “How to anticipate risks in AI-enhanced research”
- AI Fireside Chat — Accelerating Materials Design and Discovery Using Machine Learning
AI Fireside Chat — Accelerating Materials Design and Discovery Using Machine Learning. Thursday February 29 12:30-1:30 – Conference Room A, Library
- One of our own featured in Rhody Today!
URI physics professor Gaurav Khanna, Ph.D., an expert in black holes and gravitational waves, co-authored a waveform modeling white paper for the LISA project.
- AI Fireside Chat on Bioinformatics — Feb 1st
Fireside chat with Chris Hemme on Feb 1st with the title, The Changing Paradigm of Bioinformatics: Cloud Computing, Machine Learning, and Multiomics.
- Spring ’24 semester workshops: Python, R, SAS, SPSS, Unity and more
Our Research Computing / AI Lab Spring ’24 semester workshop program can be found now on the URI Events Calendar: https://events.uri.edu/group/ai/calendar/
- ITS Research Computing & Center for Computational Research move to Library 227
ITS Research Computing & Center for Computational Research have relocated to Library 227 (formerly DataSpark space). This makes our team much more accessible.
- Funding opportunities for AI related research
List of funding opportunities for AI related research. Agencies include NSF, NIH and DoD.
- Major AI Event: Keynote by Dr. Ruha Benjamin from Princeton
Please mark your calendars for a major AI event on Feb 22nd led by the Harrington School and partially funded by our Center. A reception and keynote by Dr. Ruha Benjamin from Princeton!
- Recent training videos: Unity HPC
New tutorial on using Unity — our new HPC/AI platform that is a collaborative, multi-institutional high-performance computing cluster located at the MGHPCC.
- Twelve computational research projects benefit from National Science Foundation funding
URI is the anchor institution for CAREERS in Rhode Island and this academic year ’23 — ’24 is leading 12 distinct research projects within this program in a wide variety of disciplines.
- New publication supported by URI HPC resources
Dr. Fang Wang just sent us a copy of his new paper that utilized URI HPC facilities.
- URI Panel in the MGHPCC Booth at Supercomputing ’23 Conference
The MGHPCC will be showcasing several computational projects from URI at their Booth in the large Supercomputing ’23 Conference in Denver next month.
- MGHPCC story on RI-CHAMP live tracking hurricane Lee using UNITY!
Live tracking of hurricane Lee using UNITY — our HPC system at MGHPCC.
- CI Compass Fellowship Program (CICF) for Undergraduates
A fellowships program open to all undergraduate students with an emphasis on computing.
- CCR Seminar: One Size Does Not Fit All: Towards AI for Everyone
The first lecture of the AI distinguished speaker series, delivered by Prof. Rada Mihalcea.
- CCR new initiative — funding available
A major new initiative that invests funds back into the URI computational researchers community.
- Research Computing Workshops — Fall 2023
See some of the research computing workshops you can take this fall.
- Research Computing Topical Workshops — Fall 2023
Fall research computing workshops — more coming soon!
- Fall 2023 — AI Events: URI AI & Data Analytics Fireside Chats
AI and Business Analytics, College of Business & Center for Computational Research/Research Computing/ITS invite you to four informal discussions around AI.
- Assistant Professor Job Opening — Quantum Information & Computing
URI invites applications for a full-time tenure-track position with a focus on quantum computing.
- UNITY team get together at the MGHPCC!
A UNITY team get together at the MGHPCC in Holyoke, MA.
- Colabfold on Unity workshop — June 30th
Unity facilitator Cecile Cres of the University of Rhode Island will present a workshop on ColabFold.
- New publication supported by Unity @MGHPCC
Discerning Watershed Response to Hydroclimatic Extremes with a Deep Convolutional Residual Regressive Neural Network by Albert Larson Abdeltawab Hendawi Thomas Boving Soni M. Pradhanang Ali S. Akanda Hydrology 2023, 10(6), 116; https://doi.org/10.3390/hydrology10060116 (registering DOI) https://www.mdpi.com/2306-5338/10/6/116
- IEEE HPEC Conference (virtual) — paper deadline July 7th!
HPEC is the largest computing conference in New England and is the premier conference in the world on the convergence of High Performance and Embedded Computing. We are passionate about performance. Our community is interested in computing hardware, software, systems and applications where performance matters. We welcome experts and people who are new to the […]
- HPC Emerging Woman Leader Award
The ACM SIGHPC Emerging Woman Leader in Technical Computing (EWL/TC) is an annual award open to any woman who has engaged in technical computing research, education, and/or practice for 5-15 years since receiving her highest degree. See additional eligibility information, and read ‘how to nominate’ at this link. Nominations are due by June 30th.
- NERSC HPC Bootcamp
An HPC Bootcamp for students is being hosted at National Energy Research Scientific Computer Center (NERSC) during August 7-11. The deadline for applications is May 22nd. Selected participants are eligible to receive housing, travel, per diem, and a $500 stipend.
- Gaurav’s research with student featured in Scientific American!
Is Time Travel Possible? The laws of physics allow time travel. So why haven’t people become chronological hoppers? https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/is-time-travel-possible/
- Four GSO publications enabled via URI HPC
Yang Shen’s GSO research group student, Xiaozhuo Wei, defended his PhD thesis this week and published 4 papers in high-end Seismology journals: 1. X. Wei, Y. Shen, and J. K. Morgan, Shallow volcano-tectonic structures on the Island of Hawai‘i imaged by multimode Rayleigh wave ambient noise tomography, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, accepted. 2. X. […]
- Biomolecules paper on ‘omics analysis acknowledges URI CCR support
The first publication that officially acknowledges support from the URI Center for Computational Research (CCR) has been published in the journal, Biomolecules. Congratulations to PhD student Cecile Cres (who also works on our ITRCS team!) and Dr. Ying Zhang of CELS!!! The paper is titled “DL-TODA: A Deep Learning Tool for Omics Data Analysis” and […]
- Open Science Grid User School 2023
Could you transform your research with vast amounts of computing? Learn how this summer at the lovely University of Wisconsin–Madison During the School, August 7–11, you will learn to use high-throughput computing (HTC) systems — at your own campus or using the national-scale Open Science Pool — to run large-scale computing applications that are at the […]
- Data Science and AI Speed Dating Event at URI
Invitation to a Data Science and AI Speed Dating Event University of Rhode Island March 10, 2023, 9:30-noon Hardge Forum Room, Multicultural Center 74 Lower College Road, Kingston, RI 02881 Center for Computational Research, ITS URI Big Data Initiative, URI Library College of Business, Business Analytics and AI URI Division of Research and Economic Development […]
- URI researcher publishes in Nature journal with research computing support
Dr. Kei Inomura publishes in Nature and the paper officially acknowledges support from our own Kevin Bryan. Full paper can be found here: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41561-022-01066-2 Read a URI press release on the paper here: URI researcher-led study opens oceans of possibilities
- New Center for Computational Research at URI
URI Center for Computational Research formed on Kingston Campus
- IBM Quantum access for URI researchers starts on Jan 1st
The Physics Department in the College of Arts and Science launched a Quantum Initiative in 2021 with several new graduate degree programs on quantum computing. There has been tremendous progress in quantum information sciences (QIS) in recent years, including recent advancement in application areas including fluid simulations, signal processing, machine learning etc. URI plans to […]
- New $1M HPC/AI hardware now available to URI
URI research computing is closing out 2022 on a high note! We have a major update to announce today. 🙂 Our $1M new hardware is now fully operational and available for use in UNITY. A huge thanks to Kevin for working extremely hard to get this accomplished alongside our MGHPCC partners, especially UMass Amherst. As a reminder, this […]